Parent/Carer Coffee Mornings – Autumn Term

Dear Parents and Carers,
I would like to invite you to our first coffee event this Thursday at 9am (22nd September). It will be wonderful to catch up with you and hear how things are going.
We also want to try to make things a little easier for families in these hard financial times so we have a collection of children clothes which we would like to pass on. Come and have a look and see if there is anything your family could use.
This term coffee meetings will be on Monday afternoons and Thursday mornings, here are the dates for your diary.
Thursday 22/9 at 9am
Monday 5/10 at 2pm
Thursday 20/10 at 9am
Monday 7/11 at 2pm
Thursday 24/11 at 9am
Monday 5/12 at 2pm
Kirsty Sparrow

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