Yoga 🧘
We were lucky today as Miss Georgia brought in one of her special crystals for us to see. She told it was an amethyst all the way from Brazil and that to find crystals you have to crack open special rocks.

Hello and welcome to the Class Four homepage. The team working in Class Four are Miss Mira and Miss Fearon. We are very excited for the year ahead and we will keep you updated on the children’s learning on the Chatter Feed on the right hand side of this page.
We use Seesaw to update you on your child’s progress and learning, when you log on you will see snapshots of some of the activities we take part in in class. We expect all parents to interact with posts on Seesaw and to work with their child on activities set at home.
Reading is fundamental to a child’s progress. It helps to introduce your child to new words and increase their vocabulary. We recommend that parents read with their child daily. It helps to spark imagination and to develop comprehension skills. We expect all parents to read with their child and make notes at least once a week.
If you have any problems accessing Seesaw please contact us using the parentmail@pleasantstreet.liverpool.sch.uk email address and we will try to support you.
Monday – Ukulele’s to be brought into school, spelling test
Tuesday – Music (Ukulele’s should be in school)
Wednesday – Yoga, the children should wear PE kits into school on this day
Thursday – PE, the children should wear PE kits into school on this day
Friday – Homework
We were lucky today as Miss Georgia brought in one of her special crystals for us to see. She told it was an amethyst all the way from Brazil and that to find crystals you have to crack open special rocks.
We worked in teams to research and create a presentation about Mayans’ life. We shared our work with the rest of the class.
We are finding the Mayans fascinating.
Today, we worked in groups to determine how did the Maya manage to become so important.
Today we have MGL teaching us how to use repeated loops, variables and events to code our own game.
Year 4 had today an assembly about Sugar Awareness. We learnt about how much sugar food have and what it is the impact in our bodies.
Today we read the book “Pelé”. We learnt and spoke about making a difference, how to overcome barriers and be resilient in life.
We have looked at different artefacts and we have discussed the relation with the Romans.
16Today we spoke about what make us worried, sad or unsafe. We learnt what we can do about it.
31We looked at the amount of sugar in different foods and drinks. We were shocked to see the amount of sugar in certain items. We discussed how much sugar we should have and ways to consume sugar in a healthier way.
Today our comprehension work was based on a text about the Romans in Britain.
Today we tasted different pizzas and discussed what we liked and what we disliked about them.
We researched the artist Roy Liechtenstein and looked at his style of art work. We created our own Pop Art self-portraits.
Today we read the book “The Way Back Home”. We spoke about friendship and how to welcome new students in our school.
We have completed some fantastic field sketches after our trip to Hilbre Island this week.
32Class 4 enjoyed a class trip to Thurstaston with a visit from Sasha!
23Thank you to our visitors teaching us the importance of staying safe in and around water. We learnt techniques how to keep ourselves safe and what to do if we see anyone in need of help.
157We began to add struts to our structures to create a raised platform. We remembered that triangles are stronger than squares so tried to incorporate them were possible.
26We used what we learned last week about sturdy structures to create the base for our flood proof houses.
30we had such a fantastic time at Formby learning how to build secure structures both on and off the ground. Lots of great problem solving!
31We used the clues that had arrived in our classroom to write predictions about our new English story.
26Class 4 used the Writer’s Knowledge wheel to generate accurate sentences that could be used in our own invention stories.
31We have been applying our knowledge of decimal numbers to money, looking at how £ and p can also be represented as a decimal.
43We looked at how halves and quarters can be represented on the hundred square, as tenths and as hundredths in order to write them as a decimal.
45We used a crucial moment in our story to consider the character’s feelings. Through role play, we were able to come up with descriptive phrases to describe the character’s reaction as opposed to stating “I felt …”
We are looking forward to using these in tomorrows incidental write. Well done everyone!
32Today we finished our sculptures inspired by Antony Gormley’s Another Place.
It is so fantastic to see all of our designs come to life.
In art we have been studying the sculptor Antony Gormley.
We took pictures of our own poses and sketched the ones we want to use for our final design.
37For science day we had a special visit from Mr Stanley. We enjoyed watching Mr Stanley perform lots of different exciting experiments. We learned lots of new things about solids, liquids and gasses and much more!
171This diversity day, we used the story ‘Walk Tall’ as our stimulus to explore the P4C question ‘Do people always know that they are bully?”
Year 4 looked at how to use a Branching database to search for and find information. Children had character descriptions and had to use a branching database to match the description to an image.
34Mental Health and Well-being Week
Today we have been very lucky to listen to Natalie Denny, Natalie went into amazing detail of her characters and what goes into writing a published book. We then had the pleasure of listening to the first chapter of Natalie Denny’s new book, Keisha Jones is a Force of Nature!
This book is about when Keisha discovers that the trees in a nearby park are going to be cut down to make way for a carpark, the Bee Squad has its next cause. It’s time for some green activism to save the VITs … that’s Very Important Trees!
This week we used electrical components to create a circuit. We then added in a switch to observe what happened to the bulb when the switch was open and closed.
39Electricity ?
This term class four will be looking at electricity. Throughout this term we will be constructing simple electrical circuits, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers. We will also be learning how to recognise some common conductors and insulators, and we will be investigating conductors and insulators.
Today we have enjoyed identifying components in a simple circuit along with trying to make the bulb light up.
Today we enjoyed looking at all the ancient artefacts related to the Mayans. We particularly enjoyed learning how they created chocolate using the cacao plant and also the Large Triple Death Mask which represents the vital cycle of life.
We are enjoying being introduced to our new history topic ‘ The Mayans’. We first refreshed our memories on some past events on our school timeline before we dive into our topic.
We are looking forward to learning more about the Mayans and their civilisation.
We enjoyed looking at our hook reveal and making some amazing predictions on what our story could be about. What could all these items mean?
This term class 4 have the pleasure in reading “The Journey” by Francesca Sanna. This book explores the unimaginable decisions made as a family leave their home and everything they know to escape the turmoil and tragedy brought by war.
During Diversity Day class 4 looked at “a shelter for sadness” by Anne Booth. The book is about a small boy who creates a shelter for his sadness, a safe space where Sadness is welcome, where it can curl up small, or be as big as it can be, where it can be noisy or quiet, or anything in between. The boy can visit the shelter whenever he needs to, every day, sometimes every hour, and the two of them will cry and talk or just sit, saying nothing. We discussed whether you should ever pretend you don’t feel a certain emotion.
54This term class 4 are focusing on gymnastics, we can not wait to learn some new balances. With the help of spots we have been trying to master a cartwheel.?
41We had a very special visitor in school on party day, every class had the opportunity to visit the grotto and they left with some gifts.
205A big thank you to Schools Observatory for inviting us to their Christmas Space Lecture. We had lots of fun and found out lots of new facts and information.
33During Diversity Day class 4 had the pleasure of reading ‘The Patchwork Path’ by Bettye Stroud. We discussed the word ‘Equality’ and what this represented. Class 4 then enjoyed creating our own patchwork quilt.
39This afternoon in art, we have been working on our final piece. We have been layering our art by applying a foreground over our background.