Maths Chatter
Maths – finding equal groups
The children enjoyed a practical activity this morning, finding equal groups as they begin their division topic in Maths.
Class 6 are studying all things Ratios this morning. We are understanding ratio language.
Today in maths, we compared Ratio to Fractions using ourselves and explored the language we can use to explain similarities and differences between the two.
43Ratio and Fractions
We have extended our Ratio work this week by looking at Ratios and Fractions. We explored the differences and similarities between the two.
38Measuring adventures
The children enjoyed exploring their classroom to find items measuring approximately 1 metre. Brilliant discussions and predictions were made.
40Multiplying and Dividing
Class 6 have been looking at how we multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000 over the last two days. Using skills learnt to find the answer step by step.
Bar Models and Pie Charts
Class 6 are impressing us with their newfound skills in pulling data from a bar model or pie chart to help categorise the information.
Number mastery
The children demonstrated excellent maths skills this morning, knowing how to split numbers to reach ten to help with subtractions.
Class 6 are impressing us today with their Algebra work. They are challenging themselves and learning new vocabulary along the way.
Halves and Quarters as Decimals
We looked at how halves and quarters can be represented on the hundred square, as tenths and as hundredths in order to write them as a decimal.
The children enjoyed halving the cat treats to share equally between the kittens!
We have been applying our knowledge of decimal numbers to money, looking at how £ and p can also be represented as a decimal.
385 and a bit?
In Maths Reception have been learning all about 5 and a bit more, they have explored using a die frame to help see where the 5 is in the number sequence and where the bit it’s by subitising how many they have altogether. Reception used counters to show their partners what 5 and bit numbers they could make. Then they used different things from around the classroom to show their partner what 5 and a bit they could make then using a die frame to support their learning.
Maths Revision
This week we became the SATs markers for the day and worked in pairs to mark some papers. We offered some friendly advice when we noticed that some questions had been answered incorrectly.
39Recognising fractions
The children enjoyed putting the equal parts together to recognise halves, thirds and quarters.
Fractions work
The children practised recognising fractions today and their written notation! Well done Class 2!
Hundred square challenge
The children worked in pairs to solve missing number problems on the Hundred Square. They explored how to find 10 more and 10 less and discussed patterns that emerge when finding different times tables.
Doubling and Even numbers
This week in Maths Reception have been exploring double numbers and the link between the numbers that are even. In this activity the children are sharing equally the items between them ensuring that they can see the doubles.
Today in STOPS maths we recapped on our number bonds to help us solve addition equations that equal to 100.
Place Values
Today in class 6 we are looking at numbers up to 1,000,000. We are sorting the place values and retrieving previous skills for this task.
This week we have been demonstrating our knowledge of partitioning, using equipment to show how many tens and ones in a number.
18Partitioning numbers to 100
Using a dice we generated a two digit number and then showed this in tens and ones.
21Stampolines in Maths
This week in reception we have been learning about parts and whole of numbers 3 and 4. Reception have watched how numberblocks create their stampolines patterns and then the class had a go at creating their own patterns of 3 and 4 using paint and sticky notes.
Maths in Nursery
In maths we practised sending repeating patterns of balls along the gutters.
62D and 3D Shapes
Class 2 began our maths lesson sorting and matching the correct 2D and 3D shape to its correct name. We then discussed our shapes and how many sides a pentagon, hexagon and octagon has.
Repeating Patterns
Reception have been exploring repeating patterns in Maths this week, the children learnt about AB patterns and had a go at creating their own AB patterns with a partner. Then the children learnt about ABC patterns and created this own ABC patterns with a partner. Great patterns everyone.
Moving robots
Reception have been exploring the use of positional language in Maths, they have enjoyed exploring using the direction buttons to move the robots around the classroom and explains where to move the robots.
Ratio Language
Class 6 looked at ratios in maths today, learning new vocabulary and using ratios in fractions. We are excited to learn more on ratios so watch this space.