
We are a safeguarding school.
We have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of the children. Their well being is paramount.
Pleasant Street ensures children learn in a safe, caring and enriching environment. Within our PSHE and wider whole school curriculum, our pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe, develop positive and healthy relationships and avoid situations where they might be at risk; including by being exploited. This is supplemented with support from outside agencies such as NSPCC, NHS and Community Police Service.
If we have any concerns that a child may be suffering harm, we have no choice but to refer to Children’s Services when appropriate.
The named Child Protection Coordinator is Mrs A Buckley.
The named Deputy Child Protection Coordinator is the Headteacher Mr N Verdin.
The nominated Governor is the Chair of Governors Ms J. Tremarco
You can find our safeguarding policy and statement and child protection policy below: