We worked in small groups to find suitable pieces of wood – our task, to move a big log, sometimes with added weight on it!
17We worked in small groups to find suitable pieces of wood – our task, to move a big log, sometimes with added weight on it!
17We had a very busy day on Friday, we had a lovely morning in PE with Mr Lancaster, then we made our own sandwiches for snack they were so yummy!
30The class began their DT topic this half term by researching wheels and axles, using Lego to make vehicles!! There were some wonderful examples!
30The children worked well this afternoon to assemble their wheels and axles onto their vehicle body, even trying them out on the classroom floor!
The children worked diligently as they began using their designs to make their vehicles for our wheels and axles topic!!
30As the class began to assemble their vehicles, the children displayed great sawing skills as they cut their axles!
22The children worked hard again this afternoon, using a hacksaw to cut dowels to the correct length – these would act as axles on their vehicles!
24In DT we practised the running stitch using a needle and thread. We had to carefully sew around the edge of the fabric. We are looking forward to making our puppet. ?
19In DT class 3 made mechanisms using paper and pins. We looked at different movements. We have enjoyed making mechanisms very much!
22After researching different types of chair and their features, the children tried constructing their own using Lego sets!
We enjoyed tasting different fruits in class. We discussed the fruits we liked and disliked.
The class used a variety of ‘attachment techniques’ this afternoon, practising the skills required to construct their chairs!!
We went to Formby to learn about levers, pulleys and gears. We had a fun day and we learnt very interesting facts.
The class started making their chairs this afternoon, using cardboard, tape and lots of hard work!
We have been building our own fairgrounds using pulleys applying our knowledge from Science.
21We enjoyed making our own fruit salads. We followed the instructions we made and carefully chopped up the fruit. We took our fruit salads home to enjoy.
The children made the finishing touches to their chairs this afternoon – there were some wonderful designs and plenty of hard work too!
we had such a fantastic time at Formby learning how to build secure structures both on and off the ground. Lots of great problem solving!
18For DT we looked at a selection of bags inside and outside looking at the fabrics and the functions of each bag. We discussed why we liked or disliked each bag.
16We used what we learned last week about sturdy structures to create the base for our flood proof houses.
14For DT we practiced threading needles and looking at different types of stitches.
13We began to add struts to our structures to create a raised platform. We remembered that triangles are stronger than squares so tried to incorporate them were possible.
12We continued to practice the running stitch and also practiced the running back stitch.
14Today we tasted different pizzas and discussed what we liked and what we disliked about them.
The children enjoyed a soup tasting session as part of their DT research. They gave their opinion on flavour, appearance and texture.
We have loved tasting vegetables and pasta salads to give us some ideas for our own designs.
2In preparation for our soup making, class 5 have been practicing cutting vegetables.🥒🥦🍅
We showcased our chopping, cutting and grating skills when making our salads. We used our planning to select ingredients to make our delicious salads and we cannot wait to taste them!
1The children became mini chefs this afternoon, preparing and making soup!