Staying Safe – PSHE
In PSHE we have discussed ways of keeping safe at home, in school and when out and about.
49In PSHE we have discussed ways of keeping safe at home, in school and when out and about.
49We had a very special visitor in school on party day, every class had the opportunity to visit the grotto and they left with some gifts.
220Year 3 enjoyed a fantastic geography trip to the University of Liverpool. We learnt about different rocks and we looked at volcanos. During the session we enjoyed dressing up in lab coats and performing an experiment. ?
39In music this week Class 3 practiced a song called “Amani Utupe”. We enjoyed it very much!
35Year 3 have been looking at magnets and forces this term. We looked at how magnets attract and repel. Using our knowledge of magnets we have made a moving maze game. We had lots of fun!!
39During Diversity Day class 3 looked at the book “Buster the Bully” by Maisha Oso. The book is about a fish that picks on and bullies other little fish. He then goes out to sea and gets bullied by a shark and killer whale. The book gives both perspectives of being the bully and bullied. We discussed what it feels like to be bullied.
58Class three enjoyed using the Glockenspiel. We had lots of fun learning this new song.
35In DT class 3 made mechanisms using paper and pins. We looked at different movements. We have enjoyed making mechanisms very much!
43Class 3 has been looking at friction in science this week. We explored how different surfaces have an effect on friction. Using toy cars we measured the distance they travelled on different surfaces.
34In science we looked at light and investigated different sources of light. We discussed how shadows are formed and what makes a good shadow. We enjoyed going outside and drawing around our shadows?
27Class three have enjoyed world book day! It has been so fun and interesting seeing and hearing about each others costumes and favourite books?
44For science day we had a special visit from Mr Stanley. We enjoyed watching Mr Stanley perform lots of different exciting experiments. We learned lots of new things about solids, liquids and gasses and much more!
186In science today we created different shadows and we looked at what happens when we move a light source to and away from an object.
33For geography, class 3 explored Mold in Wales. We used our map reading skills to help us walk up loggerheads. We had a great day!
35For Diversity day class 3 read the book “Talking is not my thing” which is about a autistic girl who uses non verbal communication to communicate. We explored different ways we can communicate and what ways we can help.
46Class 3 looked at how light reflects on different objects and materials.
33Well done to these two girls in Class 3 who have been working incredibly hard in gymnastics! ?♂️ Look at all those medals ?
30Class 3 enjoyed walking along Hope Street looking and taking pictures of different architecture.
43A wonderful music lesson with class 3 using different body parts to make sounds.
34In science today class 3 looked at transparent, translucent and opaque materials.
38Class 3 have been busy dissecting flowers and labelling the different parts!
30Class 3 had the opportunity to explore a Micro:bit this morning. Children looked at the basics of how a Micro:bit works and how we can use block coding to create programs. Children then focused on how we can use LEDs to display different animations creating a rock, paper, scissors game. We then created a reaction game using variables, inputs and loops.
40Class 3 used their knowledge of parts of a flowering plant to make flowers.
30Class three enjoyed a trip to the museum for their Egyptian topic. We mummified a mummy and looked at all the tools used in the process.
41During todays lesson, class 3 looked at cut up apples. We looked to see if we could identify the different parts of the plant. We found the anther, remains of stamens the stigma and the leaf.
36After arriving safely, the children began building shelters in the woods!
163The groups enjoyed rock climbing and abseiling this afternoon – a great demonstration of bravery, skills and resilience!
158After a fun afternoon of activities, the children enjoyed some of the play equipment in Barnstondale.
166After a good night’s sleep on their first night, the children enjoyed a lovely breakfast in preparation for another day of activities!
164The children worked really well together to complete the canon run and then supported each other in a rope walk!
160Another example of teamwork this morning as this group completed a harnessed river crossing!!
181The children practised their shooting skills this afternoon, using a rifle to aim at a target.
173A lovely end to another day at our Barnstondale residential, a campfire with marshmallows, songs and stories!
170Thank you to everybody at Barnstondale who made our residential such a memorable time!
Class three have been working very hard practicing their songs for iSing?
28We identified what objects a Christian house and a non Christian house would have.
38For DT we looked at a selection of bags inside and outside looking at the fabrics and the functions of each bag. We discussed why we liked or disliked each bag.
35For DT we practiced threading needles and looking at different types of stitches.
30Class 3 worked very hard recalling the process of pollination and demonstrated the process using puppets.
26Thank you to our visitors teaching us the importance of staying safe in and around water. We learnt techniques how to keep ourselves safe and what to do if we see anyone in need of help.
168We continued to practice the running stitch and also practiced the running back stitch.
31Class 3 had a wonderful time singing on stage at iSing today. We had fantastic singing from the children and had so much fun !! 🎤🎶
168This morning in Spanish we are talking about fruits and which ones we like and don’t like. We have learnt new verbs and conjunctions.
Today we timed how long it takes spinners made from card and paper to fall the ground.
Class 3 enjoyed a trip to The Florrie on Friday to take part in poetry activities and to listen to Michael Rosen talk and recite some poetry. We took part in a workshop to create our own animal poems, played poetry games and listened to a man called George reading his favourite poems. We had a brilliant time and loved hearing some of our favourite poems including Chocolate Cake and No Breathing in Class!
34Today we made paper rockets and measured the distance they traveled using meter rulers.
In class 3 we read ‘Two Monsters’ which is about two monsters who live on opposite sides of the mountain. They see different things and don’t communicate. We learnt how they stopped fighting and got along.
35Today Class 3 has been exploring using Apple pencils to create a digital piece of Artwork of a portrait of themselves. Children took a photo of their face and cropped it down to the left-hand side of their face, children then used procreate to recreate the right-hand side.
25In class we listened to sounds on an industrial site.We also learnt about different rhythms and beats.
26Using a dice we generated a two digit number and then showed this in tens and ones.
35In class we sorted the rocks in groups of sizes ,textures ,shape and colour.Then we went outside on the yard and had a look at where we can find different types of rock.
27We spoke about Bob Marleys song and sang it together in class .
In class three we discussed in a group why we take medicine and who we take it from.
25We used different instruments in rhythm to a song in music.
22We guessed what monster matched the correct description in Spanish .
25Speak out stay safe!
We watched the class assembly and discussed important issues.
24In class we watched a clip about the famous scientist Mary Anning .
23We used cybergames.com to find out about hackers and malicious emails.
27We thought about air inside a balloon. If it’s not visible how do we know it’s there?
This morning Class 3 has been introduced to the coding website Scratch. Children built on their knowledge from Scratch Jr to create their own coding program. Children explored how to add and create Sprites and backgrounds as well as creating code to get their Sprites to move and change costume.
19Beautiful vocals in class 3 today during music.
Good job!
In D.T we made sandwiches using different types of fillings.
21Class 3 have continued to look at programming using Scratch. Today we focused on two features movements and speech. We started off by making a program looking at how we can use different blocks from the event section to get a Sprite to move, we used the Green flag, when sprite pressed and space key pressed features. After that we looked at how we can use the wait and speech feature to get two sprites to tell a knock knock joke.
20Warming up our vocals ready to practice our Christmas songs for the performance.
17Today in class we learned about different objects we use in class in Spanish.
16Today we played a game of “I went to the shop” using the words we have learnt in Spanish.
16Today we made our own skeleton using paper straws and glue.We included all the bones we have been learning in class.
16We have been practicing our songs for our Christmas performance.A big well done to class 3 for doing so well. Mrs Casey and Miss Ghazali wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
16In P:E today in groups we made up our own dance moves using 16 beats.We then performed this to the rest of the class.
9Today we went over some music notes we did last half term .We also listened to Lean on me by Bill Withers.We discussed the meaning of the song lyrics and what they mean.
Today in Spanish we read the book “Querido zoo”( Dear zoo )We also learnt how to say “do you have a pet? and we had a go at replying.
Today we used Mula bear and all had a chance to talk about the things that make us happy.
This term in P: E we are starting tennis. We are practicing the techniques of holding the tennis racket and ball.We also learnt how to balance the ball.
After playing the glockenspiel we sang “Lean on me” together as a class using different harmonies.
Today we was given a card with a picture of an animal on and had to form our own sentence in Spanish.There are some videos on SeeSaw.