Some exciting household objects from the past arrived in class today. We looked at the items and discussed how we know they are from the past.
46Some exciting household objects from the past arrived in class today. We looked at the items and discussed how we know they are from the past.
46We enjoyed a trip to the museum to take part in a workshop about toys. We compared toys from the past with modern day versions and spoke about the difference in materials and design.
We are enjoying being introduced to our new history topic ‘ The Mayans’. We first refreshed our memories on some past events on our school timeline before we dive into our topic.
We are looking forward to learning more about the Mayans and their civilisation.
Today we enjoyed looking at all the ancient artefacts related to the Mayans. We particularly enjoyed learning how they created chocolate using the cacao plant and also the Large Triple Death Mask which represents the vital cycle of life.
During our visit to Anglesey, we went to Beaumaris and took the opportunity to experience what a Victorian Jail was like for the inmates. We were shocked to see some of the punishments given to inmates, discovered interesting facts about how water was filtered in the jail grounds and were a little spooked by some of the ghostly tales!
38Y1 enjoyed visiting Strawberry Field, John Lennon’s childhood home and Penny Lane as part of their History topic based on The Beatles. They viewed artefacts and information, took part in a sing-a-long with a musician and had the chance to ask the expert guide, Chris, lots of questions along the way.
38Today we worked in two teams to gather information about Democracy and The Olympics. We presented it to the rest of the class.
As part of their History topic ‘Changes in our city’ the children visited Liverpool Cathedral today to learn more about this famous landmark and its history.
Class three enjoyed a trip to the museum for their Egyptian topic. We mummified a mummy and looked at all the tools used in the process.
39In History the children worked really hard looking at old and new images. We looked at bikes, boats, cars, prams and buses. We spoke about the features of the old items and how they may be similar or different to modern day.
Class 5 have been looking at timelines in preparation of our Anglo Saxon topic
Lots of interesting items have arrived on Class 5 topic table! There are lots of clues to what our topic is!
In History this afternoon, the children examined a variety of statements describing reasons why the Anglo Saxons came to Britain. They had to think carefully about whether each reason was likely or unlikely!
The children tasted what life was like for the Anglo Saxons, with a visit to Mere Tun, at Martin Mere. The class experienced settlement life – practising weapons skills, thatching, weaving and foraging.
This week Reception have been exploring old and new toys in history , the class discussed what they think are old and new toys and what toys they play with now and what they’re families might have played with when they were younger. Reception then used their knowledge of old and new toys to cut and stick which toys were from the past or present.
What a fantastic trip to the fire station this week! We were able to compare what we have learned about The Great Fire of London to the equipment they use today.
100We have looked at different artefacts and we have discussed the relation with the Romans.
34The children became history detectives, looking at images of objects found at a mysterious burial site at Sutton Hoo. They came to the conclusion that they belonged to a King or an important person.
The class produced some wonderfully detailed and illustrated information leaflets this afternoon, to demonstrate their learning of our Anglo Saxon topic!
We are finding the Mayans fascinating.
Today, we worked in groups to determine how did the Maya manage to become so important.
We worked in teams to research and create a presentation about Mayans’ life. We shared our work with the rest of the class.
Reception have been exploring old and new items through history, the children had a go at trying out the items and explaining why they were old and what the new version of the item could be.
Over the past few weeks class 2 have been focusing on historical significant people. We have been looking at Ibn Battuta the famous explorer, Neil Armstrong the first American to walk on the moon and Amelia Earhart who was the first female pilot to fly across the Pacific Ocean. We have really enjoyed plotting these three historians within our own timeline, learning all about their achievements and why we remember them.