Telling the time in Spanish
We enjoyed using our prior knowledge to tell the time in Spanish lessons.
47We enjoyed using our prior knowledge to tell the time in Spanish lessons.
47A fun lesson with Mrs Grindley, the children learning the names of farm animals in Spanish!
Today we practiced how to write and how to say which hobbies we like and we do not.
Today in Class 6 we are ordering meals at a restaurant in Spanish. We are learning that different cultures ask for things in different ways and that body language and the tone of our voice is just as important.
We recapped everything we have learnt this half term. We also enjoyed some of our favourite Spanish songs.
Today in Spanish we are working in groups to buy items. We are asking a series of questions and using the euros to pay. We have enjoyed playing shop and learnt new vocabulary along the way.
In Class 6 Spanish we are comparing our school days to those in Spain. We looked at the different dishes they eat and how they use familiar ingredients in different ways. We are learning how to make Gazpacho-a spicy soup made of vegetables, eaten cold. We are writing out the recipe in English and translating it to Spanish.
This morning in Spanish we are talking about fruits and which ones we like and don’t like. We have learnt new verbs and conjunctions.
Today class 2 had the opportunity to be apart of the Spanish Olympics. Some class 5 pupils lead different activities that involved class 2 showing off their Spanish skills.
Today we are re-capping on our Spanish knowledge and vocabulary. We worked in teams to talk about things we like to do, our birthdays and our family.
Today for Spanish we had a recap of what we have learnt so far. We talked about our name, age and a little bit about us and the things we like and dislike.
We used our knowledge of the parts of the parts of the body to help us talk about what part of the body hurts.
We guessed what monster matched the correct description in Spanish .
25Today in class we learned about different objects we use in class in Spanish.
16In class 6 this morning we are learning the time in Spanish. We are working in groups and displaying excellent teamwork to organise different times of the day.
This week we worked hard to explain our likes and dislikes about different toys. We use ‘me gusta’ and ‘no me gusta’ to discuss our preferences.
24Today we played a game of “I went to the shop” using the words we have learnt in Spanish.
16The children worked in groups this afternoon to match up different methods of transport with their names.
Today in Spanish we read the book “Querido zoo”( Dear zoo )We also learnt how to say “do you have a pet? and we had a go at replying.
We are excited to be writing our introductory letters to a class in a school in Spain who we are going to be pen pals with. We are telling them all about ourselves and our interests and wondering if they will like the same things too!
Today we was given a card with a picture of an animal on and had to form our own sentence in Spanish.There are some videos on SeeSaw.
Today in Spanish we have been learning our colours and animals. We played a guessing game which helps us remember the colours and animals.
Today class 6 are recognising and writing numbers up to 1 million. We worked in groups to talk about our selected number and combined our Spanish skills to write it down before presenting it to the class.