At Pleasant Street Primary School, we develop and promote British Values throughout our school and within our curriculum.

A key part of our plan for education is to ensure children become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain.  We promote the following British Values in our school.


Pupil voice is significant at the Pleasant Primary School, it is heard through meetings with members of the Senior Leadership Team, subject leaders, Governors and pupil questionnaires. Our pupil elected school council plays a strong role in our school. They are elected by their class peers through a voting process and are involved in making the school a better place to learn.

Rule of the Law

Our pupils will encounter rules and laws throughout their entire lives. We want our pupils to understand that whether these laws govern the class, the school, in the community or the country, they are set for good reasons and must be adhered to.
This understanding of the importance of rules will be consistently reinforced through assemblies, in classes, around the school and through our curriculum.

The involvement of our pupils in the creation of the school rules helps them to understand the reasons behind them and the consequences if they are broken. Throughout the year we welcome visits from members of the wider community including the Police, the UK Military School, the Fire Brigade and many more.  

Opportunities for children to take more responsibility around the school are encouraged and such roles as Reading Buddies, Play Leaders/Buddies are available.

Individual Liberty

We have worked hard to create a positive culture in our school, so that children are in a safe environment where choices and freedoms are encouraged and valued.   We offer a range of clubs which pupils have the freedom to choose from, based on their interests and skills. Through our E-Safety days, we educate children on their rights and personal freedoms as well as supporting them in recognising how to exercise these freedoms safely.  In P4C sessions, all children are encouraged to share their ideas, responses and views in a safe way. We believe that valuing choice and freedom in daily school life will foster a value for individual liberty as the children embark upon their adult lives.

Mutual Respect

Mutual respect is at the forefront of our school life. The children learn to treat each other and staff with great respect. This is evident when walking around the building and in the classrooms.  Each class draws up a set of class rules or a class agreement each year and use this to set the tone for the level of respect that is expected throughout the year. Through our curriculum; particularly Relationships Educations and RE and activities such as our half termly diversity days, the children are taught to value differences in themselves and others and most importantly to show respect to all.

Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs

Pleasant Street Primary School pledges itself to be a place where uniqueness is celebrated and all individuals will find safety and respect for their families and their way of life. We are a family of many different cultures and beliefs which makes our school as unique, as the individuals that make it so special. Our differences are our strength and allows us all to grow together with an interest and love of our shared and different traditions. At Pleasant Street our community is central to our learning. Our diverse cultures come together to develop our understanding of our city, country and the world. Happiness and harmony are focal to our shared learning. We recognise the strengths of others and draw on this to support and inspire our own learning. Equally, we are always eager to motivate and guide others.

We follow the Liverpool RE syllabus which ensures that all children learn about the main religions and teaches respect and understanding for the cultures, beliefs, opinions and traditions or others.   Class assemblies also help to contribute to the knowledge of special occasions, beliefs and customs. Diversity Days give children the opportunity to enhance their understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society.