Dear Parents/Carers, you will be contacted by tomorrow afternoon via Seesaw by your child’s teacher with an allotted time for a face to face parents evening slot for Wednesday and Thursday evening.
If you requested a telephone call appointment, you will receive a message to inform you when calls will be taking place from your child’s teacher via Seesaw. Please note the call may be from a withheld or unknown number.
If you need any help accessing Seesaw, please use the contact button below to send us an email and we will assist you. The school office will have no information about your appointment times as class teachers are organising this, any queries should be sent to your child’s teacher via a message on Seesaw (please note they will not respond to this instantly).
If you have not yet contacted school about your parents evening appointment please do this urgently via email or with the class teacher at home time as we expect all parents to have a meeting regarding their child’s progress.
Thank you