Parking Issues

Dear Parents,

As a city centre school with very limited parking space, we appreciate the difficulties that parents face dropping off and picking up children. However, the practice of parking on the yellow zigzag lines and on the junction of Clarence Street and Pleasant Street, is very dangerous and the school has received complaints from local residents and parents.

Already this term, despite the presence of staff at the gates and on the road, there have been 1 or 2 near misses with children walking with parents between parked cars. The council have informed me that there will be increased patrols by their wardens (parking tickets) to ensure the practice of parking on yellow zigzag lines (or in a dangerous way) stops.

Quite clearly, there is not enough space in Pleasant Street at drop off and pick-up times for all of the parents in cars. Unfortunately, as a school, there is not much we can do about this other than stagger the times of drop off and pick-up – something we have already done.

Therefore, we would kindly ask the following; please walk to and from school where possible, vacate the area as quickly as possible and look for other areas to park – possibly on Mount Pleasant. We understand the difficulties this may pose but we are trying our hardest to keep everyone safe and the current situation cannot continue without the increased chance of injury or accident.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter, Mr. Verdin

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