School Journey Safety

We have been asked by the City Council to pass on an important safeguarding message about pupils and their journey to school. As the mornings and evenings are getting darker we would like to remind you of important safety messages if your children walk to school. As always, children and young people should walk with friends, whenever possible, and walk along well-lit routes that are not isolated. Children and young people should ensure they wear clothes or carry bags that can be seen in the dark when crossing roads.

We would also like to remind you of the importance of safety for those of you who travel by car, the street is very congested daily so if you can please walk to school even if it is only for part of your journey. If you are driving to school, please park considerately without putting others at risk. This includes parking on school markings and on the very corner of the road, in particular the entrance and exit on to Pleasant Street. Parking here even if only for a few minutes makes it very difficult for others to get on to the street or exit and puts pupils who are crossing the road at risk as drivers cannot see properly. When your child exits the vehicle please make sure they are supervised by you exiting the car rather than leaving the vehicle by themselves.

Children should be also be seated in cars with their seatbelt on, a number of pupils are leaving school without being secured in their seats which is incredibly dangerous. Thank you very much for your co-operation.

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