Hi All,
Thank you very much for all of your support and co-operation this week to help the children’s return to school go so smoothly. Myself and the staff have been so impressed with the way the children have returned to school happily and so keen and eager to learn without being phased by the changes that have been made and our new routines.
The staggered start and end times have really helped to keep our community safe and this will continue for the foreseeable future.
Can we kindly ask that you continue to stick to the start and end times so that we can continue to keep safe. If you arrive early for drop offs or pick ups we ask that you wait somewhere away from the immediate area around school so that it does not become too congested and only begin to line up/wait for your child 5 minutes before the stated drop off and pick up times. Again this will help to keep everyone safe and the road/pavements clear.
Have a good weekend and we look forward to seeing you all next week, Mr Verdin