Y4 Ukulele Concert – 12th July

Dear Parent / Carer,

As you already know, your child has been taking instrumental lessons (ukulele) as part of our “Wider Opportunities” programme within our music curriculum.

The children have made substantial progress throughout the year as a result of their resilience, perseverance, discipline and hard work.

Learning an instrument at such a young age is a massive challenge, especially when lessons are offered to a whole class of different abilities and level of interest.

I could not be prouder of the final result and I would be delighted to share this with you. Therefore, I have organised a “Ukulele Assembly” for all our Year 4 parents , carers and families (although of course anyone is welcome to join us on the day).

The children will be performing a small repertoire of songs as a whole school ensemble. Also, some children will share details about their experience of learning an instrument and the influence it has had on them too.

The Assembly will take place in our School Hall at 2 pm on Tuesday 12th July. We hope to see you there!

Kind regards,

Mrs Grindley and all the children from Year 4.

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