As parents and school staff we all want to see our children achieve their potential and grow up happily; we know that there are many factors that affect a child. As Family Liaison Officer I’m here to help with any issue that is getting in the way of the whole family experiencing success and happiness, whether experienced at home or at school. I can help with all of the following and more:

  • Behaviour
  • School Attendance
  • Parent Education/Work
  • Family Routines (morning, bedtime, meal times)
  • Health
  • Housing
  • Finances (debt and budgets)
  • Confidence
  • Family Relationships (reducing arguments)
  • Staying Safe
  • Well-being and self esteem (in all family members)
  • Finding local groups
  • Domestic Abuse
  • CV Writing
  • Healthy Eating and Lifestyle
  • Suitable games and activities
  • Managing emotions (e.g. anxiety and anger)

I would love to hear from you so drop me an email to: (or leave me a message via the office) to book an appointment for a chat.

Kirsty Sparrow