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School Dinners

Children have the option of bringing their own packed lunch or having a school dinner.  To assist with admin we ask that children stay on their chosen food choice for the duration of a half term.

From September 2014, all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal.

If your child has any allergies to any food, it is your responsibility to inform school by completing the medical form on our school app. You can view our latest menu at the bottom of this page.

Our kitchen staff create menus offering children a choice and variety to their meals. The school dinners are healthy and there are a range of delicious options for the children to choose from. The cost of school dinners is £2.00 per day or £10.00 per week.  This should be paid in advance via the Parent Pay website.

Our food provider is Food for Thought.  You can find out more about them via their website.  The current menus are below, they have been devised with our children via the School Council who surveyed children about their favourite meals, their responses were used to create the menus.  

Some families will be entitled to free school dinners. To see if you are entitled to Free school dinners please visit the Liverpool City Council website. Alternatively, the office staff will always be willing to help you complete these forms.

School Dinner Menu (please scroll through to see additional weeks)

Please note that any pork on the menu will be substituted for a vegetarian or meat alternative. Some of the dishes listed may be adapted slightly to match the preferences of the children.

Packed Lunches

We ask that parents and carers sending children with a packed lunch try to ensure that it is a healthy packed lunch, please use the guidance below to ensure that your child’s lunch follows school policy.