Parent Questionnaire – Family Support

As a school we are here to ensure your child experiences success and happiness, which means supporting them with matters both inside school and in wider family life. We are always trying to improve how we do this, particularly now that we have a Family Liaison Officer, Kirsty Sparrow.

We would be really grateful if you could take a moment to answer the questions in the questionnaire emailed out to parents last week.

Thank you


Thank you to everyone who returned the questionnaire last week telling us how school has helped you and your child. We appreciate the time you have taken as it will help us continue to offer the best support to our children.
A few people have mentioned coffee mornings in their replies, I look forward to organising these as soon as we are able to while staying Covid19 safe, I am hoping to start them in September.
Best wishes, Kirsty Sparrow

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