A fantastic afternoon at Singtastic! Thank you to Louisa and Miranda for organising this. Scan the QR codes and watch us sing!

Tel: 0151 709 3802
Fax: 0151 707 1145
Email: pleasant-ao@pleasantstreet.liverpool.sch.uk
Please note that some of the dates below may change, you will be updated via the school app if this happens:
20th March – Y5 Museum Trip
26th March – Y5 Singtastic Concert
3rd April – School closes for Easter Break
4th April – INSET Day
Monday 24th February 2025 | Children return to school for Spring Term 2 |
Thursday 3rd April 2025 | School closes at 3:15pm for half term |
Summer Term 1 – 2025
Tuesday 22nd April 2025 | Children return to school for Summer Term 1 | |
Monday 5th May 2025 | May Day – School Closed | |
Friday 23rd May 2025 |
Summer Term 2 – 2025
Monday 2nd June 2025 | Children return to school for Summer 2 |
Friday 18th July 2025 | School closes at 1:15pm for Summer Holidays |
A fantastic afternoon at Singtastic! Thank you to Louisa and Miranda for organising this. Scan the QR codes and watch us sing!
A big thank you to one of our Nursery and Y1 parents, who surprised the children this afternoon as our Mystery Guest Reader. He read two wonderful books, singing songs and putting on different voices for the characters.
Thank you for your time, the children loved it!
8Last term, Year 4 took part in a Competition where they had to write a recipe. Now, with Matthew’s help, we are cooking our recipes for the rest of the school.
Reception had a fantastic time at the museum aquarium, as they explored all the animals that live under the sea. This links with our literacy story the storm whale.
Key Stage 2 were treated to a wonderful performance from Whispered Tales last week. They listened to stories related to different women and their experiences of being refugees around the world.
Sarah from the Tree Council visited us today to lead an assembly on the work of the Tree Council and it’s importance. We were so interested to find out their work and to hear about the impact trees have on our physical and mental health and wellbeing.
Children from KS2 then worked together with Sarah to plant our new hedgerow area and some fruit trees finding out lots of facts and information along the way. This is the start of a project we have started to change and improve our playground. We can’t wait to keep you updated on the progress!
Today we visited the Aquarium inside the Museum to further explore our under the sea topic, the children were able to first hand see different types of fish and sea creatures.
33A number of our reading buddies visited JMU this week to share their experience and wisdom with some of their Education students who are planning to write their own books. The buddies shared information on what they look for in a text and how they engage and support their partners in sessions. They also demonstrated how they read out loud to others and answered questions to help with the students’ research.
35Our reading buddies are happy to be back together and it has been great to see them enjoying texts together around school.
56Class Two spent their computing lesson creating digital art and using AI to create animated drawings. The first part of the lessons we looked at how we can use apple pencils and pro-create. Children used the different brush tools to edit a picture. We then used Sketch meta to change a drawing into an animated image.
62Thank you very much to everyone who attended our festive chocolate bingo this week. It was a great evening for the school community.
EYFs spent the morning exploring Sphero Indis and Apple pencils. Children worked in small groups to either work together to see how you can get a Sphero to move and turn or they used the apple pencils to create a digital piece of art work.
72Class 5 have enjoyed a lovely morning at Birkenhead park for their geography topic. We looked at finding links with North America and discovering that the park was the inspiration for Central Park in New York.
Class 6 have been using crumbles to create night lights. We looked at how we can program a crumble to display different coloured lights, children then researched different styles of night lights and create their own design on the net of a 3D shape . Using a crumble kit, children were able to code the crumble to use different coloured lights to get their nightlight to light up!
83This term Reception have been learning all about the story ‘Star in the Jar’ in English, Reception has explored space, light and dark in science. On Friday some of the Reception class explored the Planetarium at the Museum, the children watched an informative video about ‘the Little Star that Could’ which explained all about our solar system and all the different planets in our universe.
Year 4 had today an assembly about Sugar Awareness. We learnt about how much sugar food have and what it is the impact in our bodies.
we really enjoyed having the NSPCC and Buddy in class to teach us how to ‘Speak out and Stay Safe’.
91Class 6 took part in the Multi Sports Programme at John Moore’s University yesterday. We learnt new skills in football and netball, playing alongside students at the university.
Some representatives from our School Council joined lots of other schools at the School Parliament Conference, listening to others schools discussing the UNICEF rights of the child. After listening to the presentations, they thought about what they would like to do in school to show how we meet these rights.
This week the children enjoyed creating self portraits using a variety of materials. It was great to see lots of creativity and artistic talent on show.
85Y6 enjoyed some spooky science lessons at Liverpool University this week, making potions, finding out about anti-bodies, observing bugs under microscopes and finding out about proteins. We loved the hands-on sessions with the experts!
93Our film club are enjoying being in the new building to watch ‘Sing’ enjoying a sing a long with the hits.
92Class 5 enjoyed an exciting day of experiments at the University of Liverpool for a Spooky Science event. The children looked under microscopes, made potions, learned about antibodies and watched a dangerous experiment!
Reception enjoyed their pumpkin picking trip, this trip allowed children to have first hand experiences of life cycles, growth and discuss their prior learning. They were able to recognise the pumpkin seeds and flowers before choosing a variety of pumpkins to take back to school. They also had the opportunity to pick some corn which we will cook and eat 🌽.
The children enjoyed a fun sports session at LJMU Sports Hall, taking part in different activities that tested skill and teamwork!
The children welcome visitors from the NSPCC to learn all about staying safe and they met Buddy, the special mascot who encourages children to speak out to a trusted adult.
What a fantastic trip to the fire station this week! We were able to compare what we have learned about The Great Fire of London to the equipment they use today.
98Our reading buddies have enjoyed reading together again this year. Some pupils enjoyed sharing some brand new non-fiction books together, finding out lots of information about plants and flowers.
95We had a fantastic time visiting the Pumpkin Patch, we enjoyed exploring the big open field looking for different sized and coloured Pumpkins.
102The children tasted what life was like for the Anglo Saxons, with a visit to Mere Tun, at Martin Mere. The class experienced settlement life – practising weapons skills, thatching, weaving and foraging.
We were so grateful to one of our Y6 pupils who decided to choose a selection of books for the school library to help other love reading as much as her. Thank you to you and your family for such a generous gift, we wish you every success for the future!
118Class 3 had a wonderful time singing on stage at iSing today. We had fantastic singing from the children and had so much fun !! 🎤🎶
177Thank you to our visitors teaching us the importance of staying safe in and around water. We learnt techniques how to keep ourselves safe and what to do if we see anyone in need of help.
177KS1 pupils are enjoying their new after school club, forest school. This week we made toast on the fire and enjoyed eating it with our friends.
162Thank you to everybody at Barnstondale who made our residential such a memorable time!
A lovely end to another day at our Barnstondale residential, a campfire with marshmallows, songs and stories!
182The children practised their shooting skills this afternoon, using a rifle to aim at a target.
182Another example of teamwork this morning as this group completed a harnessed river crossing!!
183The children worked really well together to complete the canon run and then supported each other in a rope walk!
164After a good night’s sleep on their first night, the children enjoyed a lovely breakfast in preparation for another day of activities!
172After a fun afternoon of activities, the children enjoyed some of the play equipment in Barnstondale.
173The groups enjoyed rock climbing and abseiling this afternoon – a great demonstration of bravery, skills and resilience!
170After arriving safely, the children began building shelters in the woods!
170It has been a pleasure to work with these lovely children in construction club this term, the children have created some fantastic designs indoors and outdoors.
To celebrate the hard work and effort the children have put into preparing for SATS exams was rewarded with an ice-cream in the sunshine. Well done Year 6, we are very proud of your hard work and positive attitude!
179Y6 Pupils will be taking part in SATS exams this week, please remember that all pupils can attend Breakfast Club for free all week and we ask that all pupils are in school by 8:30am at the latest so that they can relax with friends before the start of the test.
Monday – Spelling Punctuation and Grammar
Tuesday – Reading
Wednesday – Maths Papers 1 and 2
Thursday – Maths Paper 3
179Tonight we finished off our day with a camp fire. Mr Curry played some songs on the guitar and we sang some of our favourites from music lessons and choir club. Before we went back to the accommodation, we talked about things that we are grateful for, shared our favourite part of the trip and discussed what we are most proud of whilst we have been here.
190Group 3 tried some paddle boarding this afternoon. The weather conditions meant that some children managed to stand up on their boards!
184Group 2 enjoyed the low ropes and the zip wire this afternoon, some of them facing their fears to climb obstacles that were pretty high up!
171Group 1 enjoyed a full day activity today, Gorge Scrambling. They explored rugged rocky ravines and their flowing streams and icy pools. They worked brilliantly together to get through the challenges, encouraging each other every step of the way!
174Group 3 enjoyed a morning climbing a Via Feratta (Iron Path). They showed bravery and resilience as they faced their fears and they worked brilliantly together as a team.
174Group Two enjoyed a morning on the water, paddle boarding. The headed down to the Menai Strait in their wet suits and jumped into the very chilly water. After getting to grips with the basics of turning, spinning and trying to travel in a straight line, they walked up the shore and travelled back to the beach. It was great to see some brilliant teamwork on display, helping each other to get into the safety equipment and encouraging each other on the boards.
189This morning, some of us enjoyed a brisk walk around the beautiful grounds of the National Trust property next to our adventure centre. We enjoyed taking in our surroundings as we walked along the Menai Strait. We then all enjoyed a delicious breakfast. Today groups are enjoying gorge scrambling, paddle boarding, via ferreta, low ropes and the zip wire. We will post some more updates this evening.
190Class 6 are having a brilliant time on their residential. Today the groups have enjoyed time on the zip wire, low ropes, paddle boarding and completing Via Ferrata. We then headed out for our last activity of the day – The Night Line which was a real test of teamwork skills! Our wifi signal isn’t great so we will update as and when we can. The children are having a great time, even in the wind and the rain!
175Over the last few weeks, parents have joined cookery classes on Tuesday afternoons. They have cooked a selection of dishes with Kirsty and this week Mr Verdin joined in to cook a delicious Thai Chicken Curry. If you would like any information about the classes, please speak to Kirsty.
164For science day we had a special visit from Mr Stanley. We enjoyed watching Mr Stanley perform lots of different exciting experiments. We learned lots of new things about solids, liquids and gasses and much more!
191Reception enjoyed their school trip to the museum this morning as we investigated the aquarium, we loved looking at all the different sea creatures. Our trip links to our Literacy story ‘The Storm Whale’ and our topic of under the sea that we have learnt about this term.
We were visited by Everton FC football players, Lewis Dobbin and Joao Virginia who took the time out of their busy training schedule to visit school to play a competitive game of bench ball with some pupils. After the session, they sat down to discuss the importance of exercise and keeping fit and healthy and the impact that sport can have on our mental health and wellbeing.
194Some of our reading buddies were invited to John Moores University library to talk about reading and books with some Childhood Studies University students. They discussed some of the books in the library, why they selected them and their thoughts on the content and illustrations.
188We had a very special visitor in school on party day, every class had the opportunity to visit the grotto and they left with some gifts.
231Thank you very much to The Women’s Institution who have very kindly donated money to school to purchase new football kits and is the new sponsor of one of our team kits.
213Some children enjoyed a trip to Hollywood Bowl today as a celebration for their excellent behaviour.
196Thank you very much to JCSports_Massage who has very kindly donated money to school to purchase new football kits and is the new sponsor of one of our team kits.
218Thank you to all of the parents who joined us for a Stay and Play session this week. It was great to see so many of you there and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
208The children had a fantastic last session at Shy Lowen today, the children gave a presentation about their horse to the group. They then enjoyed rides on Thunder and Holly. They were all amazing!
186A big thank you to everyone who joined us for our Christmas Chocolate Bingo, the event was a complete sell-out with the tickets going in less than 10 minutes. Our Christmas events have helped to raise money for school fund and we appreciate all of your support. Please make sure you have app notifications switched on so that you do not miss out on any upcoming events.
211Pleasant Street, Liverpool L3 5TS
Tel: 0151 709 3802
Email: pleasant-ao@pleasantstreet.liverpool.sch.uk