Class Seven
Hello and welcome to the Class Seven homepage. The team working in Class Seven are Mrs Davies, Mrs Casey, Miss Moore and Miss Kurs. We are very excited for the year ahead and we will keep you updated on the children’s learning on the Chatter Feed on the right hand side of this page.
Home Learning
Targets from speech work will be reinforced in speech sessions given by Mrs. Davies and Mrs. Leong. We have devised a diary sheet to show what speech work has been carried out in the Language Resource, Home school and at home to ensure consistency and communication between the settings. The children’s speech book should be taken into Pleasant Street the days the children attend and then into home school the days the children attend their main school.
Important Information
PE – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Class Seven Chatter

The children enjoyed exploring today’s news and then relaying the information they had heard for their parents on Seesaw. Fantastic confidence, listening and following instructions from our newsreaders!

Hello Lonely Beast!
The children worked in groups to generate questions to ask our special visitor. They explored different question words and what they are used to find out, including How, Why, Where, Who and What? They were delighted to receive a visit from not one, but two Lonely Beasts! They asked questions and listened carefully to the answers.

Hundred square challenge
The children worked in pairs to solve missing number problems on the Hundred Square. They explored how to find 10 more and 10 less and discussed patterns that emerge when finding different times tables.

‘Why?’ and ‘because’ game
The children enjoyed the challenge of answering ‘Why?’ questions about themselves. They worked hard to answer in full sentences, using ‘because’ to explain their ideas.

Water Safety
Thank you to our visitors teaching us the importance of staying safe in and around water. We learnt techniques how to keep ourselves safe and what to do if we see anyone in need of help.

Minibeasts – bees
The children have enjoyed learning about bees this week. They have expored how bees make honey and where they live. The children enjoyed watching Mrs Grindley’s favourite childhood cartoon, Maya, to help them to explore bees further.

Speaking & Listening
It was fantastic to observe the children leading their own game of ‘Heads Up’ during choosing time this week. They have worked so hard learning different ways of questionning during whole class speech games. It was lovely to see that they can now play this game independently.

Listen & Appraise
This week the children listened to ‘Can’t Stop the Music’ by Justin Timberlake.

The children enjoyed halving the cat treats to share equally between the kittens!

Creating ladybirds
To continue our science work learning about mini beasts class 7 made ladybirds.

We recapped on what we could see on Offley Street and looked at the notice board. Class 7 made wonderful predictions.
Offley Street. Who lives here? Is it a nice place to live? What can you hear on the video?
Class 7 found an old suitcase in our class! What was it for? What are the items in it for?

See you
This week we said “well done,” to 5 wonderful friends who are now returning to their home schools. They have all worked very hard to develop their speech and will no longer need to attend Pleasant Street Language Resource. The staff in class 7 are all very proud of your achievements.

Listening and following instructions
Today the children used great listening skills and then followed instructions to learn our new game.

Playing speech games to develop our questioning, answering and reasoning skills.

Icing cakes
Class 7 decorate cakes for our families and friends who came to our Easter gathering
Making chocolate crispy cakes
Class 7 watched the chocolate turn from a solid to a liquid.

Curriculum time
Class 7 explored our playground and garden area to begin our new topic of

Measuring adventures
The children enjoyed exploring their classroom to find items measuring approximately 1 metre. Brilliant discussions and predictions were made.