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What we cannot see.
We thought about air inside a balloon. If it’s not visible how do we know it’s there?
At Pleasant Street Primary School, RE both supports and strengthens what we aim to do in every aspect of school life. Our caring ethos and the value which we place on the development of the whole child; spiritually, morally, socially, culturally and intellectually is reflected in the RE curriculum.
Pleasant Street Primary school follow the Liverpool Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.
Phase One Road Map Coming Soon
Phase Two Road Map Coming Soon
Phase Three Road Map Coming Soon
As part of our planning, we like to visit places of worship and we welcome parents and outside agencies into school to share information about festivals, beliefs and faith. If you would like to arrange a visit into school to talk to our children, please send us an email and the RE co-ordinator will be in touch.
Useful Websites
BBC Bitesize – Religious Education
BBC – My life, my religion series
BBC – Pathways of belief series
We thought about air inside a balloon. If it’s not visible how do we know it’s there?
Reception enjoyed their end of year trip at Croxteth park, the children enjoyed some parachute games in the park before exploring and having fun on the playground. Reception have been exploring our topic of our special world in RE and the children appreciated the wonderful nature around them.
Reception have enjoyed our topic of our special world in RE, this week the children were exploring our beautiful gardens looking at the natural world around them, the children used viewfinders and magnifying glasses to really look into detail about the natural world around them and the colours that they could see.
We ended our topic with a quiz, but before this we thought about how Muslims and Jewish people care for the world and others.
This term reception is learning about “what makes our world special?” in RE, the children in reception have explored natural resources and describing them with this classmates. The children, explained what they liked and did not like about the natural resources, some of the children explained that they liked the stones because they felt smooth or the mushroom because it felt furry.
The children had so much fun exploring the natural objects from around our garden, we collected some of the objects and brought them inside to create beautiful sun catchers, we used recycled plates, sticky back plastic and our natural objects. Then the children loved decorating them to make them sparkly and beautiful.
We identified what objects a Christian house and a non Christian house would have.
29We watched a video about the creation story and then we drew pictures to match what happened on each day. The children thought about how powerful God must be and the importance of looking after the Earth.
The children began their RE topic by discussing what it means to care for others and why it is important. They watched the story of the Good Samaritan and thought about what it means to be a good neighbour. Some of the children acted as the injured old man receiving help!
This term Reception are exploring special places to people who have different religions. Last week Reception discussed special places to them and special places they might find around our school. As a class Reception had a treasure hunt to find Miss Broadhurst’s favourite place in school which was the fish tank.
This week Reception’s Christian friend Grace came to visit, Grace brought a picture of her special place where she goes to pray and celebrate different events. Reception were shown the picture a bit at a time and tried to guess with their partners where Graces special place could be. After the full picture was shown Reception discussed what a church is and what events might happen at a church. Reception then explored more familiar churches and inside what a church looks like, Reception loved looking at all the stained glass windows.
In RE Reception have been discussing special people in their lives outside of school, some of the children brought in pictures of people who are special to them, the children gave some lovely reasons to why some of the people were special to them such as ‘because they look after me’ ‘because they show me love’ ‘because they share their money with me’ ‘because they make me laugh’.
Thank you for sharing all your special people with us.
The children ended their topic about how and why people celebrate special and sacred times, by comparing the festivals of Easter, Passover and Eid. They then completed a quiz, which was lots of fun!!
As part of their topic on festivals across faiths, the children discussed what matters most to believers at Easter.
The children began their topic today, thinking about celebrations which are important before looking at the important Christian festival Easter and retelling the story.
Today we discussed about different places of worship. We learnt about Hinduism, Judaism and Christianity.
34This term in RE we are exploring special people, last week Reception discussed what is special about themselves through looking at a mirror and expressing why they are special.
This week in Reception we discussed who is special in our class and why they are special? We then created postcards to give to our special friends in class.
A big thank you to this parent this afternoon who delighted and informed the class about life as a Muslim! The children contributed with such knowledge and showed great respect!