At Pleasant Street Primary School we believe that Physical Education and Sport have a vital role to play in the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of children. Physical Education and Sport are important in giving children the knowledge, understanding and the tools to make informed choices about healthy living and have a positive impact on their own health and well- being.
The Physical Education curriculum at Pleasant Street aims to provide for pupils’ increasing self- confidence through an ability to manage themselves successfully in a variety of situations. Children will have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of sports and physical activities which are all carried out in a safe and supportive environment, where effort and hard-work, as well as success, is celebrated and enjoyment and working together is promoted.
We ensure that all pupils are equipped with relevant life skills such as taking part in competitive sports and that they are able to swim a minimum of 25 metres by the end of year 6; We want our children to love physical education and sport. We promote high expectations, and want them to have no limits to their ambitions. Our ‘Be Inspired’ campaign is a drive to celebrate a diverse range of sporting icons, encouraging children to recognise and value the importance of physical and mental wellbeing
PE Kits
All pupils must wear the full school PE kit for lessons, tights underneath shorts are not allowed for hygiene reasons. Details can be found on the school uniform page. Please check the day your child needs their kit below.
Class 7
Year 1
Year 3
Year 5
Year 1
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Y3/4 After School Club
Year 2
Year 4
Year 6
Class 7
Year 3 (Swimming Kit)
Year 4 (Swimming Kit)
Girls Football After School Club
Alongside our PE Curriculum we also provide a number of opportunities for the children to access sports and activities through after school clubs and weekly yoga classes.
Class 2 enjoyed developing their throwing and catching skills. We focused on pushing the ball with both of our hands, releasing the ball when your hands are pointing at the target and using two hands and wide fingers to catch the ball. We applied our previous knowledge to enjoy and have fun with our partners. In groups of four we took turns to throw the ball at a cone, once we had successfully hit the target we could turn the cone over. We explored using different throws such as underarm, overarm or chest pass. To challenge ourselves we used different size balls and discussed if this made the activity difficult or easier.
Our next activity involved us standing opposite each other either side of a hoop. We enjoyed throwing the ball using a chest pass to our partner making sure our hands are ready to catch. We learnt pulling the ball towards our chest while catching stops the ball falling out of our hands.
This week we listened to Wonderwall by Oasis. Most children in the class enjoyed the song especially the beat of the drum and the guitar. Some children found the music a little too loud so it was not their favourite song.
Today in P.E we used a football and practised our balancing skills, we then had a go at dribbling the football in between our feet by using our ‘instep’ and ‘out step’. We then worked in partners passing the football to each other.
We practised our sending and receiving during PE today. We enjoyed rolling the ball to each other and stopping the ball with any part of our body. We then repeated the task but this time we could only stop the ball with our hands as well as trying to move our feet to get in line with the ball. We learnt that we need to keep our eyes on the ball and stop it with wide fingers. We enjoyed rolling the ball in any direction and making the ball travel through our partners legs or under their arms.
We discussed questions such as
How will we send the ball further?
How do we gain more power when throwing or rolling the ball?
This term in P: E we are starting tennis. We are practicing the techniques of holding the tennis racket and ball.We also learnt how to balance the ball.
Class 6 went to the University today to play a game of Kin-Ball with a few other schools. They all had a lot of fun and loved their time at the University.
PE: Gymnastic What a fantastic start to our gymnastic term. We have been recapping how to position our bodies into different balances. Our favourite balance is the side star and the dish while making sure our arms and legs are straight. We are looking forward to learning more about gymnastics in year 2.
Class 2 listened to different types of music, we then followed our leader to what type of movement we should use in contrast with the music. We have been working on creating different dance moves and today we have enjoyed putting them into a sequence. We used three dance moves, a travelling movement, a jump and a turn, this was so much fun.
We explored different feelings using music as stimuli. We then got into partners mirroring each other to a piece of music, we enjoyed being slow and delicate to a calm piece of music or fun and energetic to a fast tempo piece.
Class 6 took part in the Multi Sports Programme at John Moore’s University yesterday. We learnt new skills in football and netball, playing alongside students at the university.
The class thoroughly enjoyed beginning their new P.E. Unit today – line dancing! They practiced different step moves and worked in groups supporting each other brilliantly.
Reception had a fantastic day at LJMU celebrating their sports day event. The children enjoyed playing egg and spoon race, sprints, obstacles courses and so much more.
This term on a Monday morning we have a lovely visitor in our school to teach reception children new skills on a balance bike. The past few weeks we have learnt how to safely get on and off the bike and how to move in different ways using our feet and the handle bars.
Reception have PE on Fridays with our PE teacher Mr Lancaster, this term Reception are developing their catching and throwing skills.
Reception started their PE lesson with a warm up game of chase the dogs, using their running, listening and problem solving skills.
Reception have been practicing their catching and throwing skills this week they used big balls for bigger controlled catches, small tennis balls for more technical catches and bean bags to help with under arm throwing. The children can’t wait for their next PE lesson.
We were very lucky to receive tickets to see the British Gymnastics Championships, a small group of budding gymnasts were so pleased to pick up some tips from the professionals.
We were visited by Everton FC football players, Lewis Dobbin and Joao Virginia who took the time out of their busy training schedule to visit school to play a competitive game of bench ball with some pupils. After the session, they sat down to discuss the importance of exercise and keeping fit and healthy and the impact that sport can have on our mental health and wellbeing.
In our PE lessons with Mr Lancaster this term Reception have been moving their bodies in different ways such as forward rolls and jumping side to side.
Recently Reception have been using the apparatus and benches to move their bodies and balance using their gross motor skills.
Reception can’t wait for our next PE lesson on Friday!
This term class 4 are focusing on gymnastics, we can not wait to learn some new balances. With the help of spots we have been trying to master a cartwheel.?
Thank you very much to The Women’s Institution who have very kindly donated money to school to purchase new football kits and is the new sponsor of one of our team kits.
Thank you very much to JCSports_Massage who has very kindly donated money to school to purchase new football kits and is the new sponsor of one of our team kits.