Hello and welcome to the Class Five homepage. The team working in Class Five are Miss McDonald and Miss Mira. We are very excited for the year ahead and we will keep you updated on the children’s learning on the Chatter Feed on the right hand side of this page.

We use Seesaw to update you on your child’s progress and learning, when you log on you will see snapshots of some of the activities we take part in in class. We expect all parents to interact with posts on Seesaw and to work with their child on activities set at home. 

Reading is fundamental to a child’s progress. It helps to introduce your child to new words and increase their vocabulary. We recommend that parents read with their child daily. It helps to spark imagination and to develop comprehension skills. We expect all parents to read with their child and make notes at least once a week.

If you have any problems accessing Seesaw please contact us using the parentmail@pleasantstreet.liverpool.sch.uk email address and we will try to support you.

Monday – Handwriting

Tuesday – Music

Wednesday – Yoga, the children should wear PE kits into school on this day

Thursday – PE, the children should wear PE kits into school on this day

Friday – Spelling test

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Class Five Chatter

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Water Safety


Thank you to our visitors teaching us the importance of staying safe in and around water. We learnt techniques how to keep ourselves safe and what to do if we see anyone in need of help.

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Class 5 3D Modelling


This morning Class 5 was introduced to Sketchup. Children logged onto the website and started to create a new model. We focused on some of the different features such as the rectangle tool, two point arc tool, push & pull tool, orbit and fill tool that you can use in Sketchup when creating models. Children used the different design features to create their own house.

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Ancient Greece- Democracy and Olympics


Today we worked in two teams to gather information about Democracy and The Olympics. We presented it to the rest of the class.

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Our hobbies


Today we practiced how to write and how to say which hobbies we like and we do not.

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Y5 Computing


Y5 have been looking at the Internet and its uses in Computing. They used powerpoint to present their information.

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WWW vs the Internet


We researched and created PowerPoints to present what we learnt about WWW (World Wide Web) and the Internet.

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Stages of human life


In Science today we started our new topic- Animals, including humans. We ordered the life cycle of a human.

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Some drama to get into character


In English today we did some drama to understand how the characters of our story will feel when they see the gargantuan beast.

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DT project


We have been building our own fairgrounds using pulleys applying our knowledge from Science.

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DT Trip


We went to Formby to learn about levers, pulleys and gears. We had a fun day and we learnt very interesting facts.

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Science Day!???‍??


For science day we had a special visit from Mr Stanley. We enjoyed watching Mr Stanley perform lots of different exciting experiments. We learned lots of new things about solids, liquids and gasses and much more!

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Measuring gravity


Today in science we measured gravity in Newtons.

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RE in class 5


Today we discussed about different places of worship. We learnt about Hinduism, Judaism and Christianity.

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Science – Forces


Today we carried on learning about forces in science. We tested out how friction can stop us from pulling the books apart. We also made parachutes and experimented on how slow or fast our parachutes fall because of air resistance.

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Class 5 Crumbles


This morning Class 5 investigated how Morse code is used. Children created a presentation about Morse code and why it is used. We then looked at what a Crumble is, children then programmed the crumble to play a message in Morse Code.

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Today in class we learned about forces. We made paper airplanes to see how the different forces would effect the distance our airplanes would travel.

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Mysterious Bag found in class 5


In class 5 we found a strange bag in the class cupboard. We found lots of different items inside the bag. Maybe this is a clue for our new English book? We made predictions on what we think the book might be about.

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A Special Visitor


We had a very special visitor in school on party day, every class had the opportunity to visit the grotto and they left with some gifts.

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Birkenhead Park Trip


As part of our North America topic, we visited Birkenhead Park – did you know that this was the inspiration behind New York’s Central Park as it was the very first public park.