A fantastic afternoon at Singtastic! Thank you to Louisa and Miranda for organising this. Scan the QR codes and watch us sing!

At Pleasant Street Primary school we strive to embed music as part as our school culture. Music has a unique way of communicating that can inspire and motivate children. It is a vehicle for personal expression and plays an important role in the personal development of children. We believe that music should be accessible for every pupil in our school. Making music provides opportunities for physical, intellectual, imaginative and spiritual development.
Successful participation in music develops pupils’ self-esteem, confidence, well-being and learning skills. It is an effective medium for self-expression and creativity.
In our school, music is taught in line with the National Curriculum for KS1 and 2 with composing, performing and appraising at the core of the subject. Singing is central to our music curriculum. Singing from an early age is critical for the development of key skills necessary for gaining strong musicianship. We believe everybody can sing and we want to make this fun and accessible for all, creating a strong culture of singing in our school life.
In 2021 we became a Music Mark school after being nominated by Resonate Liverpool.
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A fantastic afternoon at Singtastic! Thank you to Louisa and Miranda for organising this. Scan the QR codes and watch us sing!
Today in class we clapped are hands to the rhythm grid. We also played the glockenspiel to the song “ Lean on me” .
Class three where amazing today during music,they used some new techniques and the song sounded beautiful at the end.
After playing the glockenspiel we sang “Lean on me” together as a class using different harmonies.
Today we went over some music notes we did last half term .We also listened to Lean on me by Bill Withers.We discussed the meaning of the song lyrics and what they mean.
Class 6 were composing Jazz melodies on their Glockenspiels today! Some of us combined a variety or rhythms together which is called Syncopation! We heard some fantastic new ways of learning and Syncopation today in class!
Class 5 have been exploring different notes used in Jazz and had great fun improvising!
Class 6 enjoying the Rock n Roll sounds of Elvis Presley today in Listen and Appraise. We listened to Suspicious Minds and showed off some interesting moves in the process.
For this weeks listen and appraise we listened to “La Bamba” by Ritchie Valens.
Class 6 are discussing all things Jazz in music today. We revisited where Jazz originated and its influence on music as a whole. We explored the different notes used in Jazz.
We learnt about the history of jazz music and had lots of fun attempting to play some Jazz music on the glockenspiels.
We have been practicing our songs for our Christmas performance.A big well done to class 3 for doing so well. Mrs Casey and Miss Ghazali wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
19KS1 have been working very hard this half term to get ready for our Christmas performance. They should all be very proud of themselves for not only learning new songs and actions but also dialogue. Our best performance yet!
The class listened to the smooth voice of Nat King Cole this afternoon, ‘Autumn Leaves’.
Warming up our vocals ready to practice our Christmas songs for the performance.
21Beautiful vocals in class 3 today during music.
Good job!
We used different instruments in rhythm to a song in music.
25We spoke about Bob Marleys song and sang it together in class .
Today’s listen and appraise session was the instantly recognisable sound of Beethoven, the children enjoying the stirring sound of the violin in Symphony No.5.
In class 6 Music today, we are composing rhythms and getting musically creative.
For listen and appraise class 5 listened to Antonio Rossini who was an Italian composer.
Class 5 played “Body popping skeleton” on the glockenspiels focusing on the beat and patterns.
We love playing and listening to music in Nursery with Mrs Grindley.
34In class we listened to sounds on an industrial site.We also learnt about different rhythms and beats.
31Class 3 had a wonderful time singing on stage at iSing today. We had fantastic singing from the children and had so much fun !! 🎤🎶
180Listening to Ed Sheeran’s ‘Lego House’ this afternoon, the children enjoyed the gentle ballad, while one member of the class recognised the actor who appeared in the music video.
Class three have been working very hard practicing their songs for iSing?
30Today we listened to some classical music and used egg shakers to follow along with the beat.
Class 2 listened to a song from Somalia. The children really enjoyed the song and the music video.
The children loved the familiar sound of Alicia Keys this afternoon, singing along to her hit ‘This girl is on fire’. Very popular indeed!
Reception have really enjoyed their weekly music/Spanish class with Mrs Grindley, last week Reception learnt lots of new songs and they had so much fun learning the lyrics and the actions. They can’t wait for their next lessons to keep practicing their new songs.
The children loved the distinctive sound of Pink this afternoon, listening to ‘What about us?’. They were surprised to know she is playing part of her tour in Liverpool this summer!
This week the children listened to ‘Can’t Stop the Music’ by Justin Timberlake.
Tonight we finished off our day with a camp fire. Mr Curry played some songs on the guitar and we sang some of our favourites from music lessons and choir club. Before we went back to the accommodation, we talked about things that we are grateful for, shared our favourite part of the trip and discussed what we are most proud of whilst we have been here.
194In Class 2 we are learning about musical elements. We learnt a song called ‘Rhythm in the way we walk’.
Taylor Swift’s ‘Shake it off’ was certainly the most popular song for some time in our Listen and Appraise session. The children loved it!
This week we enjoyed listening to ‘Yellow’ by Coldplay. Lots of us had heard this song before and liked hearing the guitar.
A wonderful music lesson with class 3 using different body parts to make sounds.
35The children loved the energy and tempo of ‘Hey ya!’ by OutKast this afternoon!
The children were practised their musical notes with Mrs Grindley and impressed with their knowledge and application.
Class 2 enjoyed the acoustic sounds of Tracy Chapman in our latest Listen and Appraise session, with children commenting on her distinctive voice.
Class 6 are composing their own blues songs relating to events in their own lives. Great teamwork and some budding songwriters.
The children enjoyed the acoustic sounds of Oasis this afternoon, with their single ‘Don’t look back in anger’. They enjoyed the guitar sounds especially!!??
The children loved the rock sounds of Guns’n Roses this afternoon with their classic ‘Sweet Child ‘O Mine’ – there were some fantastic air guitars!
The children listened to two legends this afternoon, as Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney sang ‘Ebony and Ivory’. They enjoyed the song and discussed its message.
Class 6 made some impressive music from the glockenspiels this week. We improvised using C D E F G A B C and our musical skills shone through.
The children enjoyed the pulsing sound of Survivor’s ‘Eye of the Tiger’ this afternoon. It was certainly familiar and had the children using their air guitars!
Class three enjoyed using the Glockenspiel. We had lots of fun learning this new song.
39The children ended the half term listening to ELO’s ‘Mr Blue Sky’ enjoying its happy, bright tune and the animation too!!
In music this week Class 3 practiced a song called “Amani Utupe”. We enjoyed it very much!
40Lots of memories brought back (for the adults at least!) as the class listened to Lynn Anderson’s country hit ‘Rose Garden’. One girl in particular loved this style of music!
The children enjoyed listening to singer songwriter and musician Joan Baez this afternoon, enjoying the acoustic guitar playing!!
The children were familiar with the ‘Fab Four’ from Year 1 and they loved listening to ‘Help’, particularly enjoying the music clip of John, Paul, George and Ringo.
We loved Little Richard’s fantastic piano playing during our first music appraisal of the half term!!